Automount Volumes
FoldersSynchronizer can automatically mount/unmount remote, local and disk image volumes while executing any sync/backup session. Whenever you define a source or destination folder either on the Console panel or on the Multiple list, FS will add its related volume to the Automount Volumes List in order to re-mount that volume later. Alternatively you can add a volume on the Automount Volumes list by dragging and dropping a volume icon from the Finder onto the list.

Currently FS supports the Automount Volumes feature on apfs, afp, webdav (iDisk) and smb (PC-Windows) remote volumes, local volumes and disk image volumes. In case of remote volumes, mount them using the Finder command "Connect To Server", then drag your source or destination folder from the remote volume on the FS Console. Mounting the remote volume originally using other commands can prevent FS to recognize that volume later.

Go to the Automount Volumes panel choosing the same command from the Options menu in order to activate this feature and edit/add some mount volume informations, like remote share point, username and password.

Define the volume parameters
For each row of the list you can click on the non-empty cells and edit the mount volume parameters. You cannot edit an empty row of the list. In order to add a volume to the list, simply go to the Console panel or to the Multiple List panel and define a source or destination folder. FS will update the Volume List automatically. You can edit each single volume information clicking on each non-empty row of the list. You will be shown the Set Volume dialog (see picture below) reporting the following informations.

Then press OK to confirm your changes.