Release Notes - Version 1.2.1
May 8th, 2015 - 4.4MB - MacIntel with MacOS X 10.8 or higher (successfully tested on Yosemite)
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What's new in Version 1.2.1 - May 8th 2015
• You can export your document to a Widget. The first time you launch/install a widget, please Control-Click on its icon in the Finder then select the menu item “Open”. This way you will avoid the block for widgets made by undefined developers (you).
• When exporting to PDF, PageMeUp now properly creates clickable text links with text-color and text-style you defined. These links can open an URL with your default browser or send an email with your Email default application.
What's new in Version 1.2 - March 14th 2015
• You can now assign to a button (linked image box) a different rollover image. Then on Safari, when rolling the mouse over the image box, you will see the original image change to the rollover image. To activate this option, select an image box, go to the Inspector:Web panel, mark the “Link” check-box, add a valid target (e.g. an external URL or an internal page different than the current one) then drag or paste an Image into the “On Rollover” image-well. Then, with the HTML tab selected on the left panel, press ⌘-1 to preview the HTML page on Safari. Rollover the image box to see the effect.
• You can now change the Box Fill Color of a button (linked image box or linked text box) when rolling the mouse over the box on Safari. To activate that option, select an image box or a text box, apply a Fill to the box as “Fill Color” or “Gradient Color”, go to the Inspector:Web panel, mark the “Link” check-box, add a valid target (e.g. an external URL or an internal page different than the current one) then mark the “On Rollover:Change Fill” check-box and choose a color. If the box normal Fill is a “Gradient Color” you could choose the 2 gradient rollover colors. Then, with the HTML tab selected on the left panel, press ⌘-1 to preview the HTML page on Safari. Rollover the image to see the effect. Please note that this option won't work without a link to the box or with the "Web:HTML:Export box as image" option on.
• Optimized the HTML code. The text and image boxes not entirely falling within the page borders will be not included within the HTML code, nor exported to the files folder.
• Fixed a bug that, on OS X 10.10, prevented to export PDF images as PNG to HTML.
• Fixed a bug when clicking on the buttons "Go to the Next Page" and "Go to the Previous Page" on the status bar.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
• Please Note: due to a bug on OS X 10.10, when clicking on a row of the HTML item list (at the left side of the document window), any further pinch-zoom on the page will be running slowly. To return to the correct functionality please select a different application (even the Finder, e.g. with ⌘-Tab) then select back the application PageMeUp.
What's new in Version 1.1.2 - January 5th 2015
• Fixed a bug at magnifying the document view with a pinch gesture.
• Fixed a bug when copying/pasting text containing a link.
• Fixed a visual bug when changing the HTML page file name. The html page new name is now properly shown on the bottom of the window.
• Fixed a visual bug when scrolling the BOOK page list.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
What's new in the version 1.1.0 - December 10th 2014
• Added the Mask Polygon. Set the mask of text boxes and image boxes to “Polygon” then choose the number of the sides.
• Added the Mask Star. Set the mask of text boxes and image boxes to “Star” then choose the number of the vertices and the inset value.
• PageMeUp properly exports rects, rounded-corner rects, ovals, polygons and stars to PDF and HTML. When exporting to HTML, PageMeUp exports the boxes either as HTML with selectable text, or as a fixed image at the resolution chosen (mark the check box Export As Image on the Inspector/WEB/HTML panel).
• PageMeUP can now import EPS image files. As per any other image (TIF, GIF, PNG, JPG, PDF…) drag the EPS image file onto the page to import it into the document. Also you can drag the EPS file onto an existing image box on the page to import that image within that image box. Last, you can import the image file by selecting the menu item File:Import or by pressing Command-D. If no image box is selected, PageMeUp up will import that image within a brand new image box. If an image box is selected, PageMeUp will import that image within the selected image box.
• Added the page icon Preview (eye icon) to the page list on the left side of the document window.
• Added the Existing URLs pop-up menu to the Inspector/Web/Link panel. Select an image box or a text box, mark the check box Link on the panel Inspector/Web/Link then select the item External URL from the Link pop-up menu. Now you can quickly pick your previously defined External URLs from the pop-up at the right of the field URL.
• You can now get a multiple page PDF preview. On the page list at the left side of the document window, set BOOK mode, then select several pages by clicking on the page icons while holding down the Command key. Then click on the Preview button to get a multiple page PDF preview.
• If you click on the Preview button (eye icon) while holding down the option key, you will be shown the Preview Settings panel on which you can set the PPI, compression, and output file format.
• PageMeUp now lets you define a different page size for each page. On the Inspector panel we added a new sub-panel called Page. On this sub-panel you can easily choose a page style from the Style pop-up menu. The default, As Document, uses the settings defined in the Document sub-panel directly above Page. If you choose the item Custom from the pop-up menu Style you can customize the page size, Background Color and the Stage (pasteboard) Color of the currently-selected page.
• The Print panel always prints all the pages of the document (or creates a PDF file) using the current page size chosen for all pages. If your document contains pages with different page sizes and you need to get a PDF with a different page size, your should export your document to PDF by selecting the menu item File: Export. Then select PDF from the popup menu Format, select the radio button To File: Unique then press Export.
• Added the paper Orientation option to the Print panel.
• Added the custom page Scale option to the Print panel.
• Added the Scale to fit page check box to the Print panel. Select the item “PageMeUp” from the popup menu, then mark/unmark this check box.
• Added the Print Header check box to the Print panel. When this option is selected, PageMeUp will print the name of the document, the page number, the total number of pages, the print date, the print time and the user name on the header of each page. e.g. “MyDocument - Page 6 of 14 - Printed on 2014.11.20 16:52 by john”.
• Added the Print Header check box to the Preview panel. See above.
• Fixed a bug when undoing “Delete Page.”
• Fixed a bug when choosing a color from a Color Panel different than Gray, RGB, CMYK and HSB.
• Fixed a rare bug that caused a crash when printing-previewing a document.
• Fixed a rare bug that caused a crash when saving a document.
• Addressed an issue when selecting a box on top of the selected box.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Compatibility Test.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML code when the decimal separator on the System Preferences panel is different than a dot (“.”).
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Opacity parameter.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Shadow parameter.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Border parameter of rotated boxes.
• Addressed an issue at preserving the shape of the buttons (boxes with clickable URL links) when exporting to PDF. Clicking on a button on the exported PDF will properly open your default browser at the linked page.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
What's new in the version 1.0.4 - October 1st 2014
• Added the Mask Polygon. You can now set a box mask as “Polygon” and choose the number of the sides.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Compatibility Test.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Opacity parameter.
• Addressed an issue on the HTML Shadow parameter.
• Fixed a bug that caused a crash when printing-previewing a document.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
What's new in the version 1.0.3 - July 26th 2014
• Addressed an issue at managing the paragraph indicators on the text box ruler view. Show the ruler view pressing Command-R then double click within a text box. You will see the paragraph limiters and the tabs on the ruler view. You can modify each of them by dragging them on the ruler view. To create a new tab just click on the ruler view. Change the tab (to left, right, centre and decimal tab) by Control-Clicking on the tab indicator and selecting the tab kind from the contextual popup menu.
• Pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard will move the selected boxes by one pixel. If the page units is set to millimeters, the boxes will move by one millimeter. Holding down the Shift key will multiply the offset by 5. Holding down the Option key will divide the offset by 10.
• Addressed an issue at exporting (File:Export menu item) a given range of pages to a PDF document.
• Addressed an issue at resizing a text box when the snap option is on.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
What's new in the version 1.0.2 - July 1st 2014
• The HTML code generated by PageMeUp is now 36% lighter.
• Add the check-box Embed CSS on the "Export as HTML" panel. When marked, PageMeUp will not create a css style file but it will embed the css code within the html page. This is useful when creating HTML emails.
• Added the box parameter Alt to the "Inspector:Web:HTML" panel. Select an image box then define the Alt text. In case that image cannot be loaded by the browser, the Alt text will be shown within the box. Useful in case of html email where the images have to be lately loaded from a server.
• You can get the HTML preview (⌘1) at any time. If you have never previously Exported to HTML (File:Export as HTML menu item), PageMeUp will save the html file within a temporary folder and open it with Safari. Later, when you export the document as HTML, PageMeUp will use the folder you defined.
• Added the autoscroll-page when dragging or resizing text-boxes and image-boxes on the page.
• Added the menu item "Add:Add Page".
• Added the menu item "Add:Add Folder".
• Added the menu item "Add:Add Image Box".
• Added the menu item "Add:Add Text Box".
• Zooming the window (green button on the top-left corner) will fit the page on the stage.
• Addressed an issue at shadowing the image and text boxes on HTML and PDF documents.
• Addressed an issue at the color profile when exporting to HTML documents.
• Addressed an issue when resizing a text box by dragging its handles.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
What's new in the version 1.0.1- June 23rd 2014
• Faster files opening.
• Added the check-box "Change Size Proportionally" on the Inspector:Box panel.
• Addressed an issue at the box shadow and text shadow when exporting to PDF or printing.
• Addressed an issue at exporting the PDF images with resolution different than 72 ppi.
• Addressed an issue when closing a file containing shadowed text.
• The Preview button on the BOOK panel at the left side of the window creates now a preview with the image format (PDF, TIF, PNG, JPG) defined on the File:Export panel. For instance, if you previously exported as PDF, the Preview button will create and display a PDF. If you previously exported as PNG, the Preview button will create and display a PNG. You can always change the preview image format, resolution and compression by opening the Export panel (press ⌘⌥E or select the "File:Export..." menu item), change those parameters, then press Cancel.
• The "File:Preview" menu item short cut is now ⌘1 on both the BOOK left panel and the HTML left panel.
• The "File:Export HTML" menu item short cut is now ⌘L.
• The "File:Export HTML As" menu item short cut is now ⌘⌥L.
• Other minor fixes and improvements.
Software License Agreement
Softobe grants a free "limited trial version" of the software. The "limited trial version" allows to work as the full version but it prints and export the documents marking the images with a watermark and changing the text into a "lorem ipsum" text and keeping the text attributes . For a "full-run" version the user must be registered with Softobe with appropriate compensation and registration form. Once registered, the user will receive by email the Serial Number and Email to be entered on the Register Panel when launching the application. Once registered, the the "limited trial version" turn in a "full version". Under no circumstances may the "full version" software be used unless the previously stated conditions have been satisfied. You must purchase a separate single user license of the software for each Macintosh it is used on, or purchase a Site-License or a World-License.
Unless explicitly stated in writing, Softobe does not grant permission to distribute the software for profit in any form, including but not limited to, electronic information service distribution, bulletin board distribution, and magnetic or optical medium distribution. Non-profit distribution of the only "limited trial version" of the software is acceptable without prior written notice, providing that the software is not modified in any way, and the complete works of the software are included in the distribution package.
Softobe is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser's computer system or data and in no event will Softobe, its officers, directors, employees or agents be responsible to the purchaser for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the Softobe product, even if Softobe has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.