• Go to the “Timer” panel choosing “Timer” from the “Option” menu, or clicking on the “Clock” icon in the drawer view. Each Session can specify up to 32 timers.
• Timer On: check the check-box “Timer On” to enable and edit the timer list.
• Define a Timer: Click on a cell of the list and edit the timer in the "Set Timer" dialog (see the picture below). To delete a timer from the list click on the cell holding down the ALT key. To deactivate/activate a timer click on the column "On" of the timer. The dialog "Set Timer" presents the following fields:
• Start Hour/Minutes: it specifies the time the timer will start (e.g. 9:00).
• Start Month/Day/Year: it specifies the day the timer will start (e.g. Jan, 1st, 2023).
• Repeating Interval check-box: if you don't mark this check-box, the timer will be executed at the start date/time and not longer. If you mark this check-box the timer will be executed again at each interval you set (e.g. each 2 hours) and starting from the start time and start date. If you defined:
start date = 1 January 2023
interval hours = 2
FS, starting from 1st Jan 2023, everyday, will execute the timer every 2 hours starting from the 9:00 to midnight. Thus everyday FS will execute the timer at 9:00 a.m., at 11:00, at 13:00, ...23:00 (the last one). If you want FS executes the timer every 2 hours for all day long, you have to set:
start time = 00:00
start date = 1st January 2023
interval hour = 2
• End Time check-box: if you don't mark this check-box, and the check-box "Repeating Interval" is on, the timer will be executed forever. Instead, if you mark this check-box, FS everyday will stop the timer at the time you specified in the fields "End Hours" and "End Minutes". If you defined:
start time = 9:00
start date = 1st January 2023
interval hour = 2
end time = 18:00
FS everyday will execute the timer every 2 hours starting from 9:00 and ending at 18:00. Thus everyday FS will execute the timer at 9:00 a.m., at 11:00, at 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 (the last one).
• End Date check-box: if you don't mark this check-box, the timer will be executed forever. Instead, if you mark this check-box, FS will stop the timer at the date you specified in the fields "End Date". After this date, the time will never work longer.
• Execute On: if you want FS executes the timer on certain days of the week, simply mark only the check-boxes related to those days. For example, if you want FS executes the timer defined above, only from Monday to Friday, simply mark the check-boxes "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu" and "Fri" and unmark the check-boxes "Sat" and "Sun".
Today Timer Scheduling window
Each row of the scheduling list contains the following fields:
• The pound # indicates the progressive timer number.
• The violet arrow
• Start: the date/time that timer will be executed.
• Session: the session that will be executed on the date/time.
• State: Wait, Run, or Done.
• Errors: the amount of the errors (only for timers already done).
• You can delete only a timer when "Done". Simply select the row you want to delete and press the key "Delete". You can extend the selection using the shift and/or the command keys.
• You can double click on a timer done row in order to open the Log file (if any) related to the session done. This is useful if you want to quickly inspect the Log file of a sync/backup executed by a timer. You have to activate the check-box "Save Log File" in the Preferences panel in order to make FS write log files at the end of each session.
• Every time you set up the Timer list the go to the Console panel, FS will delete the timers "Done" from the "Scheduling Timer" window then will build the today timer scheduling list starting from the first executable today's timer.
• Every time the system date changes, FS in less than 10 seconds, updates the list of the today's active timers. If you want to see the list of the active timers FS will execute on a given day in the future, you can temporary set the system date (System Preferences/Date&Time panel) to that given date, wait 10 seconds and check the new FS timer list. Then remember to set back the system date to its original date.
• Every time you launch the application, FS will build the today timer scheduling list starting from the first executable today's timer.
• Every time you change session from the popUp menu in the console, FS will update the "Wait" timers but will not delete the timers "Done".
• When a timer is running, the timer row text color changes to red and the "State" field reports "Run".