FoldersSynchronizer can run an AppleScript before and after executing each session. This option could be useful, for instance, to close all the applications before the sync/backup or to mount some volume that FS cannot mount via the Auto-mount Volumes option. FS can test your AS code and notify you the errors and their location in the text, however the application AppleScript Editor located within the folder "/Applications/Utilities/” does this job with more accuracy. So, we invite you to write and test your AS code with AppleScript Editor then copy and paste the text code to FS.

• Run Before Session: In order to run an AppleScript before the session sync/backup, go to the Option:AppleScript panel and mark the check-box "Run Before Session". Then write or paste the AppleScript text code within the text field just below the check-box.

• Run After Session: In order to run an AppleScript after the session sync/backup, go to the Option:AppleScript panel and mark the check-box "Run After Session". Then write or paste the AppleScript text code within the text field just below the check-box.
• Try run: You can check and run your AS code pressing this button. In case of errors FS will notify you where the error occurred.